getting used to me.

I talked to a friend about the first time we met each other.

She told me that the first 20 minutes she knew me, i was really annoying. She said i was annoying until she realised I’m not doing a bit or being in character, I’m just actually like this.

So yes, I suppose I am an aquired taste, like a Dijon mustard. Especially when i was younger.

I’ve also gotten this feedback when doing standup. Some audiences find me strange, and quite honestly i don’t blame them.

I also think I am weird and off putting sometimes hahah. Luckily, my standup persona is different from my normal way of being.

A pro comedian that i respect once gave me an advice:

“Nuutti, you can’t just walk on stage and not acknowledge the fact that you are what you are.”

I thought that was funny - so now I’m going to give a brief professional description of my stand up comedy to you, my dear blog readers.

Perhaps this will make my job a tiny bit easier, if you ever come to see one of my shows.

My comedy can be described as funny observations of everyday things with a humorous twist, often intermingled with absurd or physical elements.

BOOM. Do you feel enlightened?? do you feel prepared??? Are you marinated and primed for COMEDY?!?!?!

No? I guess you’ll have to see me and make up your own mind.