Going up the country

by Canned Heat.

Great song indeed.

It reminds me of the discussions I’ve had with jævla søringa.

So many people from Oslo consider Trondheim as the first city of northern norway. But that doesn’t make any sense at all. I am currently, in late september basking in the southern sun beaming upon my forehead. Do you ever feel self counscious about the size or shape of your forehead?

Me neither.

Anyway. I think Norwegians from the south (previously referred to as “jævla søring”) often fall in a line of thinking that is very much centered around themselves. I mean it kind of makes sense, most Norwegians live south. This probably happens everywhere, in every country too.

The best part about this is how nobody really agrees where the line between south / north goes. A lot of people claim Bodø is a part of “north”. What do you think?

Æ tenke no ihvertfall at jo værre omgivelsa du har vokst opp i, jo mer hardkokt blir du. Derfor e folk fra sånn indre finnmark eller nord finland bare built different as.