endless consumption.


Yes indeed, i sometimes indulge in this capitalist perversion.

Buying stuff for my image, not necessity.

I buy stuff just to show my moral qualities to other materialists.

“I bought this used, I’m such a good person. Look at how good I am.”

I have a certain taste in clothing, that tells a story of how i am.

I want to scare away corporate fast fashion.

Or rather, i want to scare away that which it symbolizes.

Like a scarecrow, i want to repel the birds whom flock to feast on the field of seeds.

Seeds that were set by a billion dollar corporation.

I try to warn them: No. Do not indulge in these seeds. They are planted here for profit.

We can all become immaterial. Dress how we want.

However, in my attempt at conscious consumption, i still consume.

I want to appeal to immaterial people, yet here I am, being material.

I want to scare away materialists, but turns out i only end up attracting a different species of them.

Instead of appealing to the masses who consume without thought, I become a part of a different mass.

A mass that jumps through mental hoops before purchase.

Many of these thrift store dwellers might not be mindless consumers, but they are arguably even more material than their counterparts.

Yes indeed. They might be more materialistic than anyone among the mindless masses browsing fast fashion websites.

They might be more material in the sense that they can judge a person through more channels. The mindless consumer may judge through appearance, but the conscious consumer may also judge by it’s narrative.

They judge by narrative and convoluted morals.

Yes, it might be morally more conscious, BUT IS THIS NOT MORE MATERIALISTIC?

What once was a simple question: Is this sweater appealing, becomes a moral action.

I want to remind myself that it is good to sometimes ask yourself the question: was a child forced to make these pants?

But often, while the clothing is worn, it becomes a matter of storytelling.

Yes, we have become considerate at the grand scale, but at what cost? We must thread carefully as to not fall into an even deeper materialism!

Thrifting is just a different shade of consumption.

I do this too, so i am no better.

You tell me you bought it USED, and how CHEAP it was.

I bought this while backpacking in Vietnam for 7NOK.

My fellow scarecrows, lets ask ourselves: is this really better?

Our way of fetishising moral shopping is perhaps the ULTIMATE capitalist indulgement.

We might point out, that we should be fetishising morals of clothing, rather than a billion dollar brand.

Yes, it might be better to commodify a used jacket rather than a Gucci jacket.

But we have to admit, this is nothing but a compromise.

We are mere trend chasers.

Can we escape materialism through these materialistic means?

I dont know.

If i wish to not be percieved, i need to stop percieving others.