My first post

This website is my digital canvas.

However, i will not be doing any art, or painting for that matter! (well, perhaps?) I will be spewing my thoughts, into the void, for the world wide web to see. There will be (un)funny stories, how to’s, and whatever else comes out of my brain. Completely unprocessed and raw.









I will be vomiting ideas onto this digital canvas.









Spraying my non-intellectual diarrhea into this cesspool we call the internet.









Maybe a better way to describe this blog would be like a toilet, or a bucket. Ready to recieve just the worst content imaginable. Like is there any piece of single furniture that has seen worse?





Oh come on man stop it





This website is my metaphorical diarrhea toilet, that i will be clogging with my metaphorical diarrhea(thoughts)











Welcome <3





